Vladimir Dubko is a Los Angeles based artist who explores oddities and subtleties of the visual world through experimentations with digitally created imagery and wall sculpture.
Dark Waters.
Staring into Deep Drying Well
Akin to prehistoric insects fossilized in amber, the seemingly recognizable scenarios of these artworks, under careful examination, dissolve into a zinging flurry of instances, eternally trapped in the hardened black sap and left to rest under still mass of murky water at the bottom of peat bog. The ‘relics’ reassess and skew perception of time and scale in this crude and damp setting, shrinking caves to a mole hole size and expanding flower buds to a magnitude of space explosions. The enamel features on the glassy surface sharply define a thin layer of vacuum between reality and the inhibited other side.
Flora in Debris. Risus Pila, 2014
Humble Beginnings.
Hand Warming Endings
Taking cues from the rugged aesthetics of primitive tools and cave paintings, here comes an anachronistic riff on a single man’s life. A man detached from society, consumed by inner self and surrounded by the scarce possessions of personal significance. His man cave is an anthropological body shop that carries out repairs to his damaged identity. The pieces in the collection resemble ancient artifacts unearthed from excavation site: a fire pit, hunting trophies, large ironic crest-badges.
Wooden Shapes
Within these simple shapes, cut out from processed wood, I explore relationships between the precision of digitally contrived graphic motifs and the accidental nature of hand applied finishes. Combining printing techniques with collaging, I look into mechanics of traditional pattern making, while placing these patterns and designs into abstract textural environment.